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SMARTROOF PVC HOLLOW ROOF TILE products the main resin for flame retardant products
Time: 2022-09-16

heat reflective roof tiles

Some toxic gases also occur during flue gas generation, data incineration or pyrolysis. According to statistics, 90% of deaths in building fires are caused by smoke poisoning, so be aware of the potential toxicity of the data. When SMARTROOF PVC HOLLOW ROOF TILE arrives at the incineration point, smoke emission belt will be formed, and no molten droplets will appear in the incineration process. The incineration functions of building materials include flammability, flame propagation, incineration speed and calorific value. SMARTROOF products are non-flammable (oxygen index less than 20); Put yourself out of the fire!

synthetic resin roofing sheet

When burning data, a large amount of smoke will be generated, which not only causes harm to people, but also seriously hinders people's dispersal and firefighting remedial actions. In many fires, many victims are not burned to death, but suffocated by the smoke. SMARTROOF PVC HOLLOW ROOF TILE products for the main resin flame retardant products, by the fire department detection, fire function to fire level.

synthetic resin tile

Thermal conductivity and data heat capacity are two important factors to block high temperature heat of fire. In addition, the expansion, contraction, deformation, cracking, melting and pulverization of the data also have a great impact on the thermal insulation function, because in practice, SMARTROOF PVC HOLLOW ROOF TILE structure is directly related to the thermal insulation function, and these factors do not affect the TILE structure.



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Foshan Smartroof International Co.,LTD

Address: Room H, 30/F, Foshan Development Building, No.13, East Hua Yuanrd, Foshan, Guangdong, China

Tel: 0086-757-83128353

E-mail: smartroof@fswinning.cn  felix@fswinning.cn

Website: https://www.smartroofasia.com

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